Project Blume

Blume the project

​​​​​​​Blume rises with Love; love for water, love to my child memories when I used to spend summers starting every morning on a sailing boat excursion until sunset. Love for having lunch and “just” eating slices of bread baked in a wood-fire-oven adding some hedgehogs caught by my father while fishing with my older brothers.

Blume was born one day many years ago, in a thought that was then keept stored for some times. This day I was returning home from my officework and during the trip I was looking at the landingstage and the lake and started thinking about it. I started smiling while thinking that I would be happy to spend my days outdoors on the water.

Blume was born connecting my memories to the smell of my grandmother Lina and mother Livia cookingart, and from that recurring phrase "When do we open a small restaurant with 5 tables?" these wonderfully women’s were asking eachother when I was little.

Blume was born from the light of a September’s afternoon, from the color of the sea and the nature of the Gulf of Tigullio, in a semi-joking question: "Why don't you bring dad's Gozzo to Lugano?"

I’m so affectionate to this boat and for the memory of him, my bellowed father, who was used to carry all little grandchildren/s on his knees while steering his Gozzo.

On my way back from Liguria while driving that one afternoon, the "Blume Project" is born in my heart.

> Book Blume now
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